Monday, December 20, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Spelling Bee: New and Different Bee!

1. tabloid
2. criticism
3. meritocracy
4. oneiromancy (I spelled it wrong)

This is the *NEW* spelling bee that happens at the Someday Lounge once a month on the 1st Tuesday. Every time you spell a word right, you get a can of Tecate. There were 10 spellers. I was in the top 5 when I got out. Robert got 2nd place. The guy who won spelled bildungsroman without blinking.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Inspired by this image 6 years ago.

Spelling Bee: EPIC Journey!

1. hamster
2. affliction
3. interchangeable
4. pleonasm
5. vaalhaai (I spelled it wrong)
6. acquiesce
7. dirdum (I spelled it wrong)
8. pharisaical (I spelled it wrong)
9. leporine (I spelled it wrong)
10. plagiarism (I spelled it wrong)

My brain got tired at the end. I tied with Norton. Norton is nice.